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My Master's Journey


From Spring 2012 until Summer 2015, I worked on my Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) with a Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching & Learning from Michigan State University. My coursework often focused on game based learning, professional development, & curriculum design. Below are descriptions of the courses I completed during my MAET program.


Abbreviations: Courses offered by the Department of...

  • Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education: "CEP"

  • Teacher Education: "TE"

CEP 800

Spring 2012

Psychology of Learning in School & Other Settings

Instructors: Dr. Zachary Mural & Dr. Cary Roseth

CEP 800 looked at the ways students learn and develop knowledge in different types of settings. The course examined how students come to class with misconceptions and the importance of discovering these misconceptions and addressing them before teaching a new concept. We researched a variety of psychological learning theories and made connections while participating in three major assignments (technology tool used): interview podcast (audacity), misconception lesson (digital storyboard), and technology integration lesson (Weebly). 

CEP 810

Spring 2013

Teaching for Understanding with Technology

Instructors: Craig McMichael & Dr. Leigh Wolf

CEP 810 introduced me to the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework, Special Interest Groups (SIG), and expanded on my use of Personal Learning Networks (PLN). We explored effective uses of technology tools in the classroom. This was my first experience to fully collaborate online as a group for a project. My SIG group completed a website to educate others on the benefits for teachers, students, content, and context of Game Based Learning. We used Google Docs and Weebly to collaborate on our research. 

CEP 811

Spring 2013

Adapting Innovative Technology to Education

Instructors: Dr. Sandra Plair & Dr. Leigh Wolf

CEP 811 focused on Web 2.0 and the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). We explored various ways technology tools can be utilized to support students’ learning. I created a Stand Alone Instructional Resource (StAIR) to supplement my students’ science unit on Earth Surfaces and a WebQuest for my students to learn about Copyright Laws at their own pace. My UDL focused on Game Based Learning to promote critical thinking in science. Blogs were used to share and reflect on our course assignments. 

CEP 812

Fall 2013

Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice

Instructors: Colin Gallagher & Dr. Michelle S. Hagerman

CEP 812 explored ways to use technology in order to address problems we find in education. I was introduced to three types of problem types: well-structured, ill-structured, and wicked. This course showed me that technology isn’t merely a tool but a possible solution to the wicked problems we see in education. I created a possible solution to Reimagine Online Learning by using Game Based Learning. We assessed whether specific technology is being used effectively in the classroom and how technology can assist in specific disorders. 

CEP 822

Fall 2013

Approaches to Educational Research

Instructors: Benjamin Gleason & Dr. Leigh Wolf

CEP 822 asked us to find a problem in education that we were interested in researching. My Research in Action Project (RAP) focused on the effects of professional development on teachers integrating technology in their instruction. I wanted to know if research supports my hypothesis that teachers benefit from being provided with authentic professional development. By reviewing previous research studies, literature reviews, and journal articles I created a research proposal plan. 

CEP 820

Spring 2014

Teaching Students Online

Instructors: Dr. Anne HeintzSandra Sawaya, & Spencer Greenhalgh

CEP 820 revolved around the rapidly growing world of online learning. I explored a variety of Content Management Systems (CMS) in order to decide which platform would suit my needs as an educator. I picked Edmodo to develop an instructional unit for my students that was partial online. By exploring the benefits and constraints of online learning I was able to understand the important of communication between teacher and students. A shared Google Document was used to collaborate with peers and critique each others' work for the course. 

CEP 813

Fall 2014

Electronic Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Instructors: Dr. Michelle S. Hagerman & Sandra Sawaya

CEP 813 had me take a critical look at assessment design by analyzing pre-made assessments and designing my own. I used the backwards design method to create a unit by focusing on my final assessment first. This guided my decisions on unit design, formative assessments, and which Content Management System (CMS) was best for my class. This semester was the first time the online game, MinecraftEDU, was integrated into the coursework. This experience showed me the possible formative assessment capabilities.  

TE 831

Fall 2014

Teaching School Subject Matter with Technology

Instructors: Dr. Doug Hartman

TE 831’s main purpose was to get you thinking about how to enhance your instruction by integrating technology. I became familiar with an array of new web tools that are available online for free! During the course we shared technology tools in a shared Google Document. It has become a useful resource. I investigated Go!Animate (create animations), Little Bird Tales (create digital storybook), and MinecraftEDU (creative game). By repurposing a lesson using PhotoStory I was able to make a lesson on the flow of data more engaging for students. 

CEP 817

Spring 2015

Learning Technology through Design

Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen & Jon Good

CEP 817 was a creative course that centered around Stanford’s Design Model to address a Problem of Practice (PoP). Assignments such as 55 Fiction assisted in my creativity by limiting the amount of words in a fiction story to only 55. This course had a personal component to it because the PoP should have been something that impacts you directly. My PoP was the lack of a technology curriculum and by going through the modes of Design Thinking (Emphasize > Define > Ideate > Prototype > Test) I was able to create a curriculum framework. 

CEP 807

Summer 2015

Preseminar in Educational Technology

Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Spencer Greenhalgh, Sarah Keenan, & Chris Seals

CEP 807 was the final course in the MAET program and allowed us to highlight all that we learned throughout the years by creating this online portfolio. I was able to reflect on my experiences, my goals, and my future as an educator. This capstone course provided numerous opportunities for peer review and collaboration. I was able to showcase my talents and passions effectively using this website building platform (i.e. Wix) with the constructive feedback given by peers. 

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